Thursday 4 June 2015

Tracking through SafetiPin

The recent events in Delhi have once again highlighted the need to be careful, and take appropriate safety precautions.  It is also important to maintain perspective and not allow specific incidents to change the way we live our lives.
The SafetiPin tracking feature is something that allows the user of the app to control their lives a bit more and be safer.  It is not a stalking app – in that control is with the person being tracked and not the tracker.  Hence women and other vulnerable individuals can use this Personal safety app when they feel uncomfortable and want someone to know where they are, without necessarily being tracked at all times.
The SafetiPin tracking feature works when both the tracker and the person(s) tracking have the SafetiPin app installed.  They can be Android, or Apple, or Windows users.
The person who wants to be tracked can identify friends who can track them in Settings.  Once this is done, tracking will be started once the person selects the ‘Track Me’ option in the Menu.  This will continue till the same key is selected again.
The receiver can see all the people who wish to be tracked by selecting the ‘Track’ option from the Menu.  They will see the route being taken by the person as a pin every two minutes.
There is also an ‘Emergency’ feature.  Selecting the Emergency button, sends sms and emails to selected friends, who do not need to be SafetiPin users.  Tracking is possible even on a browser.  The Emergency can be called off only by selecting a special code, to prevent a person being coerced into sending the message.

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