Sunday 23 August 2015

SafetiPin Newsletter - July 2015 Edition is Out..

SafetiPin is a complete map-based mobile phone application, which 
works to make our communities and cities safer by providing safety related
information collected by users. SafetiPin helps improve safety 
in many ways:
-See safety score of a locality before visiting
-Allow your friends or family to track you if you are feeling unsafe
-Find nearby Medical facilities, police stations and local transport
-Contact service providers if you need help
-Alert your friends and family if you are in an emergency
Safetipin Track App launched SafetiPin Track is a family locator and GPS tracker app designed to give you control over your own safety. It allows users to set rules to alert your family and friends if something unusual happens, without having to initiate it each time. There are four kinds of rules, each of which can be used multiple times.
1. ‘I am late’. Set this rule for routes you use very often, for example between work and home. If it takes you longer to reach, an alert will be sent to your selected family and friends.
2. ‘I am in transit’. This is complementary to the ‘I am late’ rule. An alert will be sent each time you leave your set location and another when your reach.
3. ‘I am in an unsafe place’. If you need to frequent some not-so-safe areas, set this alert to let friends know when you get there and when you leave
4 ‘I am outside a safe place’. Use this, if you want your family and friends to know every time you step outside your defined safe places. This feature can be used as a kids tracker. You can set these rules for some days in a week, for some times in the day, or just between specified dates.You can set different people to be informed for each rule you set. SafetiPin Track also provides a number of basic GPS Tracker features to help if you find yourself in uncomfortable situations. Set rules and alerts for family..
Check Complete Newsletter at Here..

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